
Task Name Username Clarifications Response Public Created time Modified time
A - Problem 2 p1scesCom
Submission を確認した際 Test case における実行時間、メモリ使用量について表示がありませんが、これらの表示は可能でしょうか。
Q. Upon Submission, we can neither receive information about the execution time nor the memory usage of each individual testcase (input graph). Would it be possible to display such information?
A. We are sorry, but we cannot displaying the memory usage and execution time for each individual testcase (input graph). 
A - Problem 2 tomerun
提出結果の詳細で、各テストケースのスコアが  "xxxxx / 1000000" と表示されますが、問題の制約を見る限りだと最高得点が100万点を超える可能性がありそうです(実際にそのような状況が起こるかどうかはわかりませんが…)。
Q. In the score for every input graph, the output format shows X / 1000000. However, seeing the input graphs, it appears possible that the final score exceeds 1 Million points. (I am not sure, whether or not such a case can be found…) In case it happens that X exceeds 1 Million points, would you award only 1 Million points or the full score X?
A. Even if the score X exceeds 1 Million points, the full score X is added to the total score.
Q. A post in the clarification section of the first contest says “an updated graph-generator will be provided during the 2nd contest”. Hence, can I assume that the problem 2 is similar to problem 1? Moreover, may I submit code for the second contest, which is inspired by seeing the code that other participant’s submitted during the 1st contest?
A. The structure of the input graphs for the 2nd contest is identical to those of the 1st contest. Hence, both contests use the same graph generator. However, while problem 1 and 2 are similar in general, they differ in essential points.
As for your second question, note that submissions to the first contest will not be publicly available until the end of the second contest. However, if someone decides to post their solution on SNS, you may of course draw inspiration from it. In that case, we appreciate, if you blend in your own ideas with your submission.
A - Problem 2 kuuso1
配布されているテスターのコンパイルについてですが,「g++ -o score_evaluator.out  score_evaluator.cpp」についてもc++11オプションが必要ではないかと思います.
ご指摘のとおりです。README に不備がありましたので、toolkit を更新しました。
Q. I think that the c++11 option is required, when compiling the score_evaluator.cpp, i.e., one should use “g++ -o score_evaluator.out score_evaluator.cpp”.
A. Yes, this is correct. The c++11 option is required when compiling the graph generator. Please use:
g++ -std=gnu++11 -o graph_generator.out  graph_generator.cpp. In addition, we have updated the toolkit.
A - Problem 2 きりたん の通りに score_evaluator.cpp をコンパイルするとエラーが発生します、コードに間違いはありませんか。
申し訳ありません。score_evaluator のコンパイル時にも C++11 オプションが必要でした。
Q. Following the instructions in the, an error occurs when compiling the score_evaluator.cpp. Is this a bug in the code?
A. The error also occurs in the English version and may be circumvented by using the c++11 option, by compiling as follows: g++ -std=gnu++11 -o graph_generator.out  graph_generator.cpp
A - Problem 2 nai
「グラフ G から、部分集合 s(i)⊂Vemb に含まれない頂点とそれに隣接する辺を全て削除してできたグラフが連結とならないものが存在する(下図の赤色の四角を参照)。」
A. This question points out a mistake in the Japanese version of the problem statement and should therefore be irrelevant for English speaking contestants.